Hello Battlefield 2 Fans,
Its been a sad day for all of us . Finally the gamespy/EA have shutted down all of its service , and everyone is getting the error ” There was a database error , please try again ” .
But, Thanks to battlelog.co Team that the game is still alive . Our Techoids Team has made this video showing each and every step dor How to Play Battlefield 2 without Gamespy and fix the “There was a database error , please try again” .
Before starting the procedure, here are these 3 things youu need to look for :
a. Register yourself on www.battlelog.co and Download the CLIENT SOFTWARE
( Phoenix Edition )
b. Update your game by installing the standalone update/patch installer Version 1.41 and 1.50
c. Make some changes in your Battlefield 2 Profile
Now, lets begin the steps :
1. Go to www.battlelog.co and register yourself by entering
BF2 Player Name:
Email address:
Password :
#NOTE : Please use the same BF2 (Battlefield 2) nickname that you normally use to register and play . Later ,It will be used to import your stats. If you want to start from bottom rank , simply create a new unique nickname .
Install the launcher (Phoenix Edition) and Choose the installation directory of your Battlefield 2 game. For example , install this in
C:Program Files (x86)EA GAMESBattlefield 2 ( This is Machine dependent and the directory may vary from user to user)
2. After logging in to your battlelog.co account , make sure you download the client launcher link given on the Home Page
In order to download the patch/updates , visit the given link
3. These are standalone Installer 1.41 and 1.50 , these will automatically update your game to Version 1.50
#NOTE : Install Patch 1.41 first and later 1.50
Patch Size : V1.41 – 527 MB
V1.50- 1.93 GB
4. After completing above steps you need to modify your game profile
#NOTE : Please , make a backup copy of every profile you have
Follow this path , in order to find your Profile
C:UsersMaverickDocumentsBattlefield 2Profiles
Here, you will see many folders with the name 0001,0002,0003,0004 etc..
The more number of profiles you have greater will be number of folders. Go to any folder ” For example 0002 ” .
Look for file named Profile . Right click on that and open with notepad . The file will loos like this
LocalProfile.setName “ghostcall” <—- Your Username
LocalProfile.setNick “ghostcall”
LocalProfile.setGamespyNick “ghostcall”
LocalProfile.setEmail “XXXXXXXXXXX@gmail.com” <— Your Email ID
LocalProfile.setPassword “01000000d08c9ddf0115d1118c7a00c04fc297eb01000000da459bc34a0cfb4ba0d24e5868bc50b900000000400000005400680069007300200069007300200074006800650020006400650073006300720069007000740069006f006e0020007”
LocalProfile.setTotalPlayedTime 140811
LocalProfile.setNumTimesLoggedIn 2
The password in Encrypted from . So here, you need to modify the password and Email ID . Use the same EMAIL and password id, which you have used on battlog.co
For example , after modifying your profile , this file will look like this
LocalProfile.setName “ghostcall” <—- Your Username
LocalProfile.setNick “ghostcall”
LocalProfile.setGamespyNick “ghostcall”
LocalProfile.setEmail “YYYYYYYYYY@gmail.com” <— Your Battlelog.co Email ID
LocalProfile.setPassword “We-All-Loves-Ghostcall” <—— Sample Password
LocalProfile.setTotalPlayedTime 140811
LocalProfile.setNumTimesLoggedIn 2
5. Launch the client and click play Bf2
In the game menu , again use your battlelog.co password and username
Bf2 there was a database error problem fix
connect to bf2 without gamespy
connect to bf2 without EA master server
Play Battlefield 2 without EA Gamespy Service
Play Battlefield 2 without EA | Gamespy There was a database error
fix there was a database error please try again
Play Battlefield 2 without EA | Gamespy Service data base error
connect to bf2 without gamespy
profil it say conixion canot connect to server
You need to follow the video description . There is 2nd guide mentioned to create the NEW PROFILES . All the download links are also provided
i have download the game when i try to creat a profil it say conixion canot connect to server
what ishold do .shold iflow ur steps ??